世界上十大半導體公司是哪些,分別屬于哪些國家?美國英特爾(Intel)公司,韓國三星(Samsung)電子公司,德州儀器(TI)公司總部位于美國德克薩斯州達拉斯城,日本東芝(Toshiba)在國際市場上盛名遠揚,家喻戶曉,臺灣臺積電(TSMC)成立于1987年,是全球大的專業(yè)集成電路制造服務公司,意大利意法半導體會(ST)是全球性的獨立半導體制造商,日本瑞薩科技(Renesas)在2003 年4 月1 日正式成立,以的科技實現(xiàn)人類的夢想,韓國海力士(Hynix)1983年開始運作,核心業(yè)務主要集中于三個部分:半導體、通信和LCD。索尼(Sony)半導體分部是索尼電子公司1995年3月在美國加州圣約瑟市建立的一個分部,該分部使索尼公司能夠對變幻莫測、競爭激烈的美國半導體市場迅速做出反應,為索尼電子公司發(fā)展高附加值的通訊、音頻/視頻、計算機應用產(chǎn)品提供后備支持。高通(Qualcomm)公司開發(fā)、銷售一系列高性能FPGA半導體產(chǎn)品和軟件開發(fā)工具。公司原名Peer Research Inc.,1988年4月由John Birkner,Andy Chan 和 H.T. Chua創(chuàng)建, 1991年2月改名為QuickLogic公司,同時發(fā)布了它的個FPGA產(chǎn)品--pASIC1系列,并隨后開發(fā)了基于PC計的開發(fā)工具-- QuickWorks,以其容易使用和有效實用被廣泛接受。
Two: the Customs at the scene in the assessment of second-hand machinery and equipment, can be considered in accordance with the replacement cost of machinery and equipment as well as the old and new, to obtain the relevant depreciation coefficient, thus calculating the value of assessment. When using this method for the evaluation of second-hand machinery and equipment, the basic and normal use of machinery and equipment shall not be less than 30% of the old and new, the assessment value shall not be less than the value of the new machine of 15%.
公式為:二手機器設備估值 = 新機價格 × 折舊比率
例如:某企業(yè)進口美國產(chǎn)卡特比勒牌3516型舊柴油發(fā)機組,1992年生產(chǎn),約為7成新,貨物的功率為1000KW。據(jù)了解,目前卡特比勒3516型1000KW新機價格約為FOBHKD 95萬/臺,因此可根據(jù)此方法考慮對該票7成新的二手發(fā)電機組評值約為5.5-6折左右,即約FOB HKD 52-57萬/臺。
For example: some enterprises imported American made Carter Bielefeld card 3516 old diesel generator unit, in 1992, about 7 new goods, the power is 1000KW. It is understood that at present, Carter's 3516 1000KW new machine price is about 950 thousand FOBHKD / Taiwan, so you can consider the ticket into a new 7 second-hand generator rated value of approximately 5.5-6% according to this method, which is about FOB HKD 52-57 million / taiwan.
Because of the machinery and equipment into the new rate is on the second-hand machine appearance, service life, use time comprehensive evaluation of many factors, can be more close to the actual value of second-hand equipment, according to the ratio of depreciation to new rate of equipment therefore, this method is the preferred method of evaluation of second-hand machine depreciation equipment.
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